The Month Adar II


The Month of Adar  Sheni

The word Adar comes from the Hebrew word adir, meaning "strength." Since this year is a leap year on the Hebrew calendar, there is an additional month of Adar. This month is called Adar  Sheni (the second Adar). That means this year has two months of joy!
  It is in the Month of Adar II that we celebrate Purim this year
On Purim we experience the physical at its extreme. We have commandments of eating, drinking, and rejoicing, but the purpose of Purim is to demonstrate how we can elevate these usually mundane physical acts and infuse them with a higher level of holiness as we eat, drink, and rejoice with Yahweh over the defeat of evil. The Simcha (joy) of Purim is based on experiencing the harmony between the physical and the spiritual, seemingly contradicting worlds. On Purim, Yahweh grants the ability to experience the physical world in a spiritual manner, and in that sense, Purim is the Festival of Torah V'Avodah – Working the Torah!


Rabbi Menachem Nachum suggests that we can see the meaning of Adar through its three letters, aleph, dalet, and raysh. 
Aleph, the first letter in the alphabet, has the numerical value of one, which reminds us of the “echad” of Yahweh. 
The dalet and raysh together form the word dar, which means “to dwell amongst us.”
 If you take the word dar and spell it backwards, you get the word reid, which means “come down.” 

Thus, when Yahweh says to Moshe "Leich reid"(Exodus 32:7) “ go down,” this is the way in which Yahweh comes down to us. 
 Putting all the letters back together, we can see that Adar means that 
“Yahweh Echad will come down to dwell amongst us.” 

Used with Kind permission from Rabbi Rob Miller

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