We are a network of congregations that believe in and understands what scriptures teaches...

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Welcome to Lev Shel Torah Congregation

Lev Shel Torah Congregations currently operate in 12 countries with New Zealand, as the oversight congregation.

These Congregations meet on Shabbat (Saturday) as we believe that this is biblically the correct day to gather together.

What We Believe

We believe the Sovereign Yahweh is Creator of all things, and that His plan has always been to have a people who love Him for who He is. A people who “Worship Him in Spirit and Truth” that is worshiping Him by keeping the Torah (truth) with the illumination and guidance of the Holy Spirit.

The Sovereign Yahweh sent His Son, Yahshua, the Messiah (the Living Word) to establish His Kingdom on earth, to demonstrate through His miracles and healings, His actions and teachings, what the Kingdom is about, and how to live in it by keeping the Torah. His death and shed blood, resurrection and ascension back to Heaven provided the redemption we needed and the forgiveness for our sins (torahlessness/lawlessness).  It enables us to return and head towards intimate relationship with Him, on the path He has planned for us to walk. 

Yahshua sent the Holy Spirit (Ruach HaKodesh in Hebrew) to be our Comforter, Teacher and Guide who brings revelations and the understanding of how to keep the Torah.

 The Torah is the first five books of the bible, and contains the Covenant given to the Children of Israel at Mt Sinai. This is the Constitution of the Kingdom of Yahweh.  It is also His instructions to His people on how they need to live to come into intimate relationship with Him.  It is also the Betrothal (marriage) Covenant between Yahweh and Israel.  The Renewed Covenant (Jer 31:31-33) was given in addition to the Mt Sinai Covenant and was ratified by Yahshua at the Last Supper and by the shedding of His blood.

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Upcoming Events

All upcoming events are scheduled according the Hebrew calendar but are shown on the Gregorian calendar

Day 2 Sukkot

This is day 2 of the 7 day Moedim (festival) of Sukkot

There is no Service at the Centre as we are on Camp

Sukkot Day 3

This is day 3  of the 7 day Moedim (festival) of Sukkot

Sukkot Day 4

This is day 4 of the 7 day Moedim (festival) of Sukkot


Lev Shel Torah provides a range of resources from books,

PDF text files on a number of topics.

Also included are some audio files and video files .  Further additions to these resources will be added in the future.


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Jeremiah 31:30 & 32

Behold the days come, says YHWH, that I will make a renewed covenant with the House of Yisrael and with the House of Yahudah. But this is the covenant that I will make with the House of Yisrael after those days, says YHWH, I will put My Torah in their inward parts and in their hearts will I write it, and I will be their Elohim, and they shall be my people.